Manufacture Method of Forearm Prosthesis Combined Sockets for Complex Prosthetics-Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Engineering technology Abstract Background: The shape and dimensions of the stump do not coincide, according to anatomical and physiological considerations, with the shape of the inner surface of the socket. They change during the operation of the prosthesis due to temperature, blood pressure, intensity of the load, concomitant diseases. Objective: Forearm stump of mans with age 40-55years. Reason for amputation is trauma. Method: Develop designs of combined sockets depending on the defect of the stump and its level with embedded covers or elements dampening peak loads and measuring piston movements with different sockets. Results: Stump reciprocating movement in the prosthetic socket was reduced. Conclusion: Embedded covers and elements dampening peak loads allow to realize better feedback. Patients get one more factor to use their prosthetic in daily life. Keywords: Upper limb; Sockets; Manufacturing method; Re...