
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ...

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ... : Journal of Case Studies - Juniper Publishers Mini Review The Improvement of spatial resolution of new ultrasound machines were ena...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto... : Journal of Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract The CellROX® Deep Red flow cytometry kit (Life technologi...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ... : Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy - Juniper Publishers Opinion Congenital heart failure (HF) is one of the most po...

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan...

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan... : Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers Abstract The exposure to medicines during pregnancy have a potential ri...

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP...

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP... : Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology - Juniper Publishers Introduction Photodynamic therapies (PDT) have become increasingly popu...

CFD Analysis of Hydrofoil Flow and Cavitation-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Engineering Technology Abstract The present paper deals with a complete computational solution for non-cavitating and cavitating flow around symmetrical hydrofoil disposed of a winglet. First, the hydrodynamic characteristics of the hydrofoil were analyzed for different advance velocity values. Numerical investigations were carried out by imposing boundary conditions favoring the cavitation inception. In this application, the mean flow is described by the Reynolds equations which must be added to the Singhal cavitation model implemented in the code Fluent. The results confirm a cavitation inception on main parts of the hydrofoil namely: the wing and the wing-winglet junction. Keywords: Numerical simulation; Hydrofoil; Cavitation; Hydrodynamic coefficients; Fluent Introduction The main role of hydrofoil is to raise the hull of a boat out of the water and keep well dynamically to reduce the wave’s effect and diminish the power...

Juniper Publishers: Ecological and Potential Health Effects of Hydroca...

Juniper Publishers: Ecological and Potential Health Effects of Hydroca... : Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources - Juniper Publishers Abstract This study evaluated the Impact of oil pollution on Ko...

Juniper Publishers: On Application of Markov Chain in Reducing the Gen...

Juniper Publishers: On Application of Markov Chain in Reducing the Gen... : Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal                                                   Abstract A three state Markov Cha...

Use of Virtual Machine for Distributed Computing in Sensor Grids-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Engineering Technology Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become highly attractive subject area among researchers due to its wide area of uses. WSN can be viewed as a distributed computing infrastructure as different sensor nodes contains computing capabilities and are connected to each other via network. Since sensor nodes have limited hardware capabilities, it is a viable option to use distributed computing paradigm to perform complex operations on the network. The combination of distributed computing and WSN has led to new field called sensor grids which assists in distributed decision making. Most of the current operating systems for the sensor nodes does not have the inbuilt capability to perform distributed computing on the network. This paper proposes a use of virtual machine to provide a common interface for development of distributed applications. Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; Applications; Computing; Industria...

Packet Size Optimization Techniques and Challenges for Wireless Body Area Networks-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Engineering Technology Abstract In WBANs, longer packets may encounter higher misfortune rates because of unforgiving channel conditions. Then again, shorter packets may experience the ill effects of more prominent overhead. Thus, the ideal packet size must be selected to different execution measurements of WBANs. According to the latest research, numerous methodologies have been suggested to decide ideal packet size in WBANs. Literature discussed in this paper primarily focuses on packet size optimization in a particular application or sending condition. This paper discusses the current trends and practices on packet size optimization for wireless body area networks to encourage the researchers for more investigation in that particular area. The objective of this paper is to give a superior comprehension of packet size streamlining methodologies and applications utilized in WBAN, it will likewise present some research issu...

Juniper Publishers: Responses of Four Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L....

Juniper Publishers: Responses of Four Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.... : Agricultural Research & Technology Summary Sweet potato is an important food crop in the tropical, subtropical and temperate re...

Juniper Publishers: Virtuous Engineering is the Need of Hour: A Perspe...

Juniper Publishers: Virtuous Engineering is the Need of Hour: A Perspe... : Civil Engineering Research Journal Abstract The best quality of someone or something that creates something valuable can be con...